Dari : Situs Alfi

Tuesday 28 May 2013

UKK "my future"

I wanna be teacher,especially English teacher. Now Im senior high school,I used to teach my neighbor,she is in junior high school. It’s a feather in one's cap,I used to be private teacher and teaching for my junior. And now im joining at English course at Galaxy “LIA”,I had done my study in 5 levels,and I won’t postpone till I finish all level and reach the high score of Toefl after I graduated from senior high school. Afterthat,I don’t wanna burn figers,I don’t want to register at national exam university. As long as I have the Toeflcertificate,I will register to my favorite college with this Toefl certificate. I wanna school at UniversitasNegeriPadang,because I like going to my dadd’s hometown, and if I go to school in there my dadd will often visit to his hometown. And then when I finish my study from lecture,I will go back to the Java island and I wanna be permanent teacher after I graduate from college in Jakarta.

Thanks for your visit

Friday 17 May 2013

torn money

One day I was in another country that is in the UK, precisely in Liverpool, I was walking around in the afternoon there, my eyes almost closed because of enjoying the wind that blows, and suddenly my eyes fell on a dollar bill that fell under. My eyes like going off when I saw it, especially when that money is money that falls fairly large, which is $ 50,000 and the chance I was not carrying a lot of money at the time. Immediately, I took the money without hesitation and do not care about circumstances, when I take the money all of a sudden the money was torn by itself, and I realize it new money From there it was already torn her so no one cares. I was thinking to make this money did not seem torn together like I wanted to buy glue. And recently I remembered it turns out I was in the country let alone the money other people who are in the glue torn, folded money was not legitimate at all to be a means of transaction. I'm so ashamed to find money nicked it, especially since I'm already thinking to spend all kinds.

how poor iam
but,I was lucky that nobody was aware of my behavior

Friday 10 May 2013


The gerund phrase consists of the gerund, which always ends in -ing, and its modifiers and complements.
The gerund phrase is always used as a noun.
     Driving a car takes concentration.   (The gerund phrase is the subject of the verb takes).
     Paul finished painting the ceiling.   (The gerund phrase is the direct object of finished).
     After hiking for two hours, we sat down to rest.   (The gerund phrase is the object of the preposition after.
     Identifying Gerund Phrases:  Underline the gerund phrases in the sentences below.
Example:  Brisk walking is Don's favorite exercise.
1.  Keeping a light on in the house helps discourage robbers.
2.  Mrs. Norman enjoys playing bridge.
3.  I remember promising Steve my old bike.
4.  Standing during a two-hour train trip is not my idea of fun.
5.  Do you like sailing on the lake?
6.  Volunteering at the hospital is just one of Helen's activities.
7.  Mrs. Brent enjoys watching quiz shows on television.
8.  Allow twenty minutes a pound for roasting the turkey.
9.  Taking out the garbage is not my favorite job around the house.
10. Understanding a foreign language and speaking it well are two different things.
11. Acting in high school and college plays helped prepare Tim for Broadway.
12. Collecting stamps is a popular hobby.
13. Rushing through your chores will get you nowhere.
14. Don't you ever get tired of listening to the radio?
15. Mr. Olson never tires of talking about his  grandchildren.
16. Bird watching with binoculars is a popular pastime.
17. Arguing with me takes much of my little brother's time.
18. Constant complaining helps no one.
19. Listening to the concerto is sheer pleasure for Joan.
20. After standing behind the counter all day, Jim likes to relax at night. M:\9-TLC\TLC Web Design\Handouts Worksheets\Grammar.Punctuation.Writing\Phrase-Gerund.doc
1.  Keeping a light on in the house helps discourage robbers.
2.  Mrs. Norman enjoys playing bridge.
3.  I remember promising Steve my old bike.
4.  Standing during a two hour train trip is not my idea of fun.
5.  Do you like sailing on the lake?
6.  Volunteering at the hospital is just one of Helen's activities.
7.  Mrs. Brent enjoys watching quiz shows on television.
8.  Allow twenty minutes a pound for roasting the turkey.
9.  Taking out the garbage is not my favorite job around the house.
10. Understanding a foreign language and speaking it well are two different things.
11. Acting in high school and college plays  helped prepare Tim for Broadway.
12. Collecting stamps is a popular hobby.
13. Rushing through your chores will get you nowhere.
14. Don't you ever get tired of listening to the radio?
15. Mr. Olson never tires of talking about his grandchildren.
16. Bird watching with binoculars is a popular pastime.
17. Arguing with me takes much of my little brother's time.
18. Constant complaining helps no one.
19. Listening to the concerto is sheer pleasure for Joan.
20. After standing behind the counter all day, Jim likes to relax a night

            by: http://www.sinclair.edu/centers/tlc/pub/handouts_worksheets/grammar_punctuation_writing/phrase_gerund.pdf